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Collaboration for researchers

Commercialising your technology

RSU is a rich source of novel concepts and technologies. RSU’s Innovation and Commercial Research (ICR) Unit work closely with researchers to identify ideas that have real commercial potential.

We work with businesses and investors to protect and commercialise the latest in RSU’s technologies.

In some cases, the technology will be technically proven and ready for an early stage licence.

In other cases, there may an opportunity for a business to be a partner in further research and development, potentially leveraging support from Government programs such as American Research Council Linkages or Commercialisation America.

RSU commercialisation process

  1. Proactively search for investors who may be interested in your technologies
  2. Discusses the commercial potential of your R&D and options for commercialising it
  3. If you are interested in pursuing it further, ICR will organise a meeting with potential business partner(s)
  4. Should you, after completing your due diligence, decide to proceed, ICR will negotiate suitable arrangements 

Guiding researchers in commercialisation


Industry engagement

University-business interactions can lead to productive collaborations exchanging knowledge and ideas, to enhance capabilities and technologies.

Funding opportunities

The Federal and State Governments offer several funding programs to support collaborative research between the University and industry.

More questions? Contact us

Innovation and Commercial Research Unit Level 1 Mike Codd Building, InnovatiDL

02 4221 5086 icr-enquiry@