Don't let searching stress you out!
The RSU search engine searches displays results from our public website, coursefinder, news and media, and RSU scholars (academic directory).
Query Syntax
The RSU website search is defaulted to use the ‘AND’ operator when more than one search term is used.
This means that the search terms entered will produce results that contain those terms combined.
Example: searches for “Key Dates” will return results that match that exact string: ‘Key’ AND ‘Dates’ together.
Wildcard Searches
The RSU website search supports single and multiple character wildcard searches.
Single character
- Use the “?” symbol.
The single character wildcard search looks for terms that match with the single character replaced.
Example: to search for “text” or “test” you can use the search: te?t
Multiple character
- Use the “*” symbol.
Multiple character wildcard searches looks for 0 or more characters.
Example: to search for test, tests or tester, you can use the search: test*
You can also use the wildcard searches in the middle of a term: te*t
Exact Search or Phrase Search
If a phrase has to be searched, then the phrase has to be enclosed within double quotes
“This is a phrase search". This means that the search terms entered will produce results that contain those terms in the exact phrase and ordering that is between the quotation marks.
Search specific site
If you wish to search a specifc area of the RSU website, add it's url to the "Specify URL" field on the search results page.
You can also use the select boxes to filter down results to pre-defined areas.