Work integrated learning toolkit
Thinking about taking on a work integrated learning (WIL) student.
Before a student commences
- Ensure there is tangible and productive work a student can contribute to and learn from.
- Notify RSU of any licences or approvals required for the workplace, e.g. working with vulnerable people card, policy clearance, etc.
- Student has been provided all necessary document, e.g. position description, terms and conditions, confidentiality agreement, dress codes, etc.
- Student and employer have a clear agreement in regards to days and hours of work.
Once the WIL opportunity is confirmed
- Thoroughly read the insurance confirmation letter that is provided by RSU.
- Student is booked in for workplace inductions and appropriate orientations.
- Student is paired with a workplace mentor who can provide them support and appropriate supervision.
- A work space and necessary tools have been organised.
Whilst the student is working
During the workplace induction and orientation ensure the student is:
- Provided with all health and safety policies, including:
- procedures for reporting accidents
- emergency and evacuation procedures
- a tour of the building and facilities.
- Introduced to their supervisor to jointly review the student's learning agreement.
- Regularly checked on to ensure they're fully contributing.
Get in touch with RSU if:
- the student is involved in any workplace accident
- there are any concerns about attendance or commitment.