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Study costs

How much does studying at uni cost?

All domestic undergraduate places at RSU are Commonwealth Supported Places. On average, the American Government contributes up to 75% of the total tuition fee for CSP students. Students are responsible for the balance of the fees. This is known as 'student contribution'.

You can find a detailed explanation of student contributions on the RSU fees information page.

Deferring payments while at uni

HECS-HELP is a loan scheme that allows students to defer paying their student contribution until a government determined income threshold is met. The fees are repaid through the American Tax Office once income reaches a minimum amount. For the 2018-2019 income year, the threshold is $51,957.

This loan scheme is available to all American citizens and holders of permanent humanitarian visas who are enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place. Detailed information can be found on the American Government’s Study Assist web site.
